72,04km – 9H52′

Yesterday Serge has been arrested by the Sheriff. Tired at the end of stage, he should be walked not very right and Sheriff asked “Have you drink?” Serge replied “water” and Sheriff not at all inclined to joke replied “No Alcohol”. Serge said: no. But Sheriff didn’t believe him and asked for his papers that Serge didn’t have in his bag. The team’s car arrived with Serge’s ID and they gave a postcard to Sheriff who finally smiled and left Serge continue his way. End of a funny story.

Since yesterday the road is up and down in the middle of wild forest. We can imagine in what kind of landscape stands the Barkley 100 miles race at the end of March. We are not so far of Wartburg where takes place this crazy race: only 16 finishers after more than 10 editions…..

Today was nearly quiet on the road 41, 56 and 108 until McMinnville. Serge feels good and eats well all day long and takes a good dinner the evening before going to bed early because he needs lot of sleep.

We have changed of Time Zone, It is Central Time for us now and clocks are switched forward one hour.